Sandy Shores Police EUP
Note Before Buying: This Item is Escrowed
Belts Are Other Paid Assets and not included
Vests that say Paid Assets are Other developers and not included (textures are only given)
Anything that says paid asset is not included
Sandy Shores Police EUP
Baseball Hat
Cargo Pants
Class Shirts
T Shirt
Traffic Vest
Vests (male only)
Rain Jacket
Sargent Ranks
Glock Drop leg model 7360 (male only)
Glock hip model 7360 (male only)
~ Features:
Addon EUP (Means no worrying about replacing other EUP!)
Male & Female
~ Paid Assets:
Tls Female AVS
Tls Male AVS
Note: one u have bought the paid asset(s) there's a read me telling u to rename the original ydd to a new name for it to be addon.
~ Description:
Fivem Ready
Male Uniforms
Female Uniforms
Read Me Included
~ More Notes:
There are paid items in the pack
FiveM Only Allows 4 YMT's To Be loaded At Once
I suggest running build 2612 with this pack
~ Video: https://youtu.be/tsBuiDa8hks
{Minty's Terms and Service applies to this package}